Case of the day

Amazing PD-1 Antibodies, BRAF and MEK Inhibitors (targeted therapy)

Case of the day Medical News


Case of the day

Gingiva hyperplasie

Case of the day – hyperplasia of the gingiva due to amlodipine medication for hypertension. The pseudo-tumorous enlargement of the gums is a rare but an established side-effect of calcium channel blockers amlodipine often used to control hypertension in ambulatory care. The patient had been taking this drug over the last 5 years, neither she nor the physician considered this drug to be the cause of the gum enlargment. The key learning point here is to sensitize the treating physician to this established albeit rare side-effect. This manifestation is reversed after stopping amlodipine. 

Case of the day

Lupus Toes

COVID-Toes versus Lupus Toes
In this case we able to identify cytosolic antinuclear antibodies with a cytosolic pattern consistent with Lupus (an autoimmune disease)
Coarse granular filamentous staining extending throughout the cytoplasm. e.g. anti-mitochondrial antibodies.
Many thanks to Thomas Lung from Lab Dr Risch for providing the documentation
Case of the day

Pityriasis rubra pilaris – Nappes claires

Case of the day

COVID vaccine bedside testing

Heute aus dem Kantonsspital Baden: «Bed-side» Allergie (Prick) Testung vor «COVID» Impfung zum Ausschluss einer schweren allergischen Reaktion auf den Impfstoff sowie auf «PEG» (Kryopräservierungsmittel). «+» ist die Positivkontrolle (Histamin), «-» die Negativkontrolle (NaCl).
Die nachfolgende COVID Impfung hat der Patient in der Folge problemlos vertragen.
Die Allergie Testung erfolgte, da die betroffene Person Jahren zuvor eine schwere anaphylaktische Reaktion auf Schweine-Grippe Impfung erlebt hatte.

Bedside allergy test of the covid vaccine was performed to rule out a hypersensitivity reaction to the vaccine as well as the cryopreservative PEG.
The patient tolerated the vaccine without any side-effects.
Allergy testing was performed since she had experienced a severe anaphylactic reaction after receiving a swine-flu shot many years ago. 

Case of the day

COVID on the skin

Case of the day

Ungewöhnliche Lippen

Die möglichen Differentialdiagnosen umfassen Kaposi Sarkom, Telangiektasien und Morbus Osler… Fortsetzung folgt

Case of the day

CD30 positives Arzneimittelexanthem

Case of the day

Tätowierungs Zwischenfall